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مقالات 2020
لیست مقالات 2020
1. Virtual social networks and mental health intervention for medical staff during the COVID-19 outbreak in the islamic Republic of Iran
2. New Methanol Poisoning Outbreaks in Iran Following COVID-19 Pandemic
3. Status of clinical toxicology education and ethics in medical care of poisoned patients in the Islamic
Republic of Iran and a comparison with other countries
4. Letter to editor: Medical confidentiality: Legal and ethical challenges in iran
5. Development of family-based follow-up care system for patients with burn in Iran: Participatory action research
6. AdeB efflux pump gene knockdown by mRNA mediated peptide nucleic acid in multidrug resistance Acinetobacter baumannii
7. Evaluation of resistance mechanisms in carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae
8.Detection and characterization of NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Iran: an incursion crisis
9.Virulence characterization of klebsiella pneumoniae and its relation with ESBL and AMPC beta-lactamase associated resistance
10. Serotyping of klebsiella pneumoniae and its relation with capsule-associated virulence genes, antimicrobial resistance
pattern, and clinical infections: A descriptive study in medical practice
11. The role of the coagulase-negative staphylococci (Cons) in infective endocarditis; a narrative review from 2000 to 2020
12-.Quorum quenching: A potential target for antipseudomonal therapy
13.Comparison of the pediatric cochlear implantation using round window and cochleostomy
14. A 14-year-old female with fever, rash, lymphadenopathy, and pancytopenia: A case report
15. The implementation of the nursing process in lower-income countries: An integrative review
16. Nursing diagnosis identification by nurses in burn wards: A descriptive cross-sectional study
17. Development of nursing care guideline for burned hands
18. Salting-out liquid-liquid microextraction to the determination of mycophenolic acid in plasma samples
19. A young girl with H syndrome and coeliac disease
20. Adipose tissue-derived stem cells upon decellularized ovine small intestine submucosa for tissue regeneration: An optimization and comparison
21. Comparative physicochemical stability and clinical anti-wrinkle efficacy of transdermal emulgel preparations of 5% sodium ascorbyl phosphate
and or ascorbic acid on human volunteers
22.Antisense peptide nucleic acids against ftsZandefaA genes inhibit growth and biofilm formation of Enterococcus faecalis
23. Chitosan biomaterials application in dentistry
24. Oral spirochetes: Pathogenic mechanisms in periodontal disease
25. Gene mutations related to rifampin resistance of tuberculosis in northwest of Iran
26. Proteomic applications in antimicrobial resistance and clinical microbiology studies
27. Trends in mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission during a 10-year period (2006-2016) in the northwest of iran by miru-vntr molecular typing
28.High rate of contamination with staphylococcus aureus in traditional koozeh cheeses. A molecular typing approach
29.Radiological findings in patients with H1N1: A report from the referral center of Northwest of Iran
30. Developing a questionnaire to assess iranian nurses' knowledge of and attitude to middle east respiratory syndrome | [Mise au point d'un
questionnaire pour évaluer les connaissances et les attitudes des personnels infirmiers iraniens vis-à-vis du syndrome respiratoire du moyen-orient]
31. Detection of blaOXA-23 and blaNDM-1 carbapenemase among clinical isolates of A. baumannii in Tabriz, north-west of Iran
32. miR-140 and miR-196a as potential biomarkers in breast cancer patients
33. Carbohydrate polymer-based silver nanocomposites: Recent progress in the antimicrobial wound dressings
34. Effects of bacteria on male fertility: Spermatogenesis and sperm function
35. MicroRNA-based regulatory circuit involved in sperm infertility
36.Drug therapy in hospitalized patients with very severe symptoms following COVID-19
37. COVID-19 outbreak and the impact on renal disorders: A rapid review
38. Effect of sirolimus as an immunosuppressive agent on kidney transplantation in patients with diabetes mellitus; a systematic review
39. Effect of preoperative prostate volume on the improvement of lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia
undergoing transurethral resection of prostate
40. Is coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) associated with renal involvement? A review of century infection
41. Investigating the relationship between how a chief complaint is expressed and the patient workflow
42. Qsofa score for prediction of sepsis outcome in emergency department
43. Feasibility of nasogastric tube insertion in conscious patients: Conventional method vs. sort method
44. Comparison of cardiac output, IVC diameters and lactate levels in prediction of mortality in patients in emergency department; an observational
45. The predictive value of red cell distribution width for stroke severity and outcome
46. Efficacy of adding midazolam to paracetamol in pain control of patients with a primary headache: A randomized, clinical trial study
47. Extended neck mallampati in supine position for predicting difficult airway in diabetic patients
48. Intranasal ketamine versus intravenous morphine for pain management in patients with renal colic: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial
49. Basic Management of Life-Threatening Emergencies: The Importance of Developing the Instrument to Assess Nonhospital Health Centers'
50. Road safety data collection systems in Iran: A comparison based on relevant organizations
51. Faulty posture: Prevalence and its relationship with Body Mass Index and Physical Activity among female adolescents
52. Effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy versus standard care in the treatment of neck and upper back myofascial pain: a single
blinded randomised clinical trial
53. Rapidly progressive COVID-19 viral pneumonia: a report of two patients with a focus on imaging findings
54.Predictors of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pneumonitis outcome based on computed tomography (CT) imaging obtained prior to
hospitalization: a retrospective study
55. Melissa officinalis L. hydro-alcoholic extract inhibits anxiety and depression through prevention of central oxidative stress and apoptosis
56. Letter to the editor regarding "Galen's place in Avicenna's The Canon of Medicine: Respect, confirmation and criticism
57. Nano-based delivery systems for berberine: A modern anti-cancer herbal medicine
58. The role of hippocampal GABAA receptors on anxiolytic effects of Echium amoenum extract in a mice model of restraint stress
59.Clinical effects of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.): A systematic review on clinical trials
60.Some behavioral risk factors of obesity in Ardabil -Iran adults
61. Dietary patterns and relative expression levels of PPAR-γ, VEGF-A and HIF-1α genes in benign breast diseases: Case-control and consecutive case-
series designs
62. Good nursing care: Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis
63.Limping along in implementing patient-centered care: Qualitative study
Prominent roles of microRNA-142 in cancer
Covid-19 and kidney injury: Pathophysiology and molecular mechanisms
Targeting immune checkpoints: Building better therapeutic puzzle in pancreatic cancer combination therapy
67 . The Successful Treatment of High Lethal Dose Paraquat Poisoning With Hemoperfusion
68 . Successful Management of an Aluminum Phosphide Poisoned Patient Following Ventricular Tachycardia
Affecting Tramadol-Associated Seizure Factors
Embase, DOAJ
Attitudes of Patients and Their Families
Towards Medical Privacy and Competence of Bearer or
Receiver of Bad News
, Embase, DOAJ )
Relationship between self-esteem and perceived social support in burn patients in Sina Hospital of Tabriz
(ISI, Scopus, PubMed, DOAJ)
Content analysis of identity challenges in patients with haemophilia: A qualitative study
(ISI, Scopus, PubMed, DOAJ)
73- Guillain-Barre Syndrome Due to Tramadol
(ISI, Scopus, PubMed, DOAJ)
A survey of clinical competence of new nurses working in emergency department in Iran: Adescriptive, cross-sectional study
75- Electrocardiogram interpretation competency among emergency nurses and emergency medical service (EMS) personnel: A cross-sectional and comparative
descriptive study
ویرایش شده
شنبه هیجدهم دي 1400
سمیه خانلاری